3单方面挑起贸易战是错误的Trade with China provides the United States with low-cost consumer goods and increasingly high-quality products。 It also causes job losses in sectors such as manufacturing that compete directly with China。 That is how trade works。 To accuse China of unfairness in this is wrong — plenty of American companies have reaped the benefits of manufacturing in China or exporting goods there。 And US consumers enjoy higher living standards as a result of China‘s low-cost goods。 The US and China should continue to negotiate and develop improved rules for bilateral and multilateral trade instead of stoking a trade war with one-sided threats and over-the-top accusations。
责任编辑:刘万里 SF0149月26日,华为创始人任正非在深圳华为总部与外国学者以“创新、规则和信任”为主题进行对话。在被主持人问及华为脱离美国零部件供应能否生存时,任正非直言“可以生存”,但还是希望美国恢复供应。“因为与西方的朋友(供应商)已经有30多年的交情了,人还是有感情的,不能光为我们挣钱,让朋友不能挣钱,我们不会这么做。”(环球网记者 乔炳新)
Unless some greater wisdom prevails, we could spin toward conflict with China, first economically, then geopolitically and militarily, with utter disaster for all。 There will be no winners in such a conflict。 Yet such is the profound shallowness and corruption of US politics today that we are on such a path。